Tag Archives: drinking

The trouble with weekends

Whenever I start trying to lose weight, I always give up on myself on the weekends. I usually go past my calorie goal, think “screw it, I already messed up,” and then proceed to binge eat whatever’s available. And I mean whatever is available. Think: a box of cereal, a jumbo bag of almonds, beef jerky…you name it, I’ve binged on it. Preferably drunkenly while crying. It’s all pretty picturesque.

Well this weekend I hit a road block again. See, if this is a lifestyle change…and not a temporary diet…I have to be honest with myself. I’m 24 years old, I like to go out to bars, and I’m not going to quit drinking. Am I going to pound eight beers and then pass out in a pile of french fries? No. But I like having a few cocktails with friends on Friday night, and I’m not willing to give that up.

“Why don’t you just factor in alcohol to your daily allotted calories?” Sounds simple enough. Except in that situation, I’m having 3 drinks on 1000 calories of food……I think we know how this ends.

So what’s the solution? I’m not sure yet. I went over my allotted 1400 calories on Friday and Saturday, but I feel okay about it. I didn’t go home and binge. I didn’t give up on myself. And I’m right back on track today…plus I walked two miles, did 45 minutes of cardio, and an hour’s worth of strength training (ow).

So maybe I just won’t worry about it for now. Maybe I deserve a few drinks on the weekends when I’m perfect all week. We’ll see how I progress. If I’m not losing weight, I’ll make some changes. This is a learning process, and I’m just starting to figure it out.

In other news, I went on a beautiful walk by the ocean. It was particularly cloudy and windy, which was a welcome change! I’m getting tired of the sun. :)

And I have a new favorite meal that satisfies my sweet cravings. I call it “banana oat peanut butter honey mash.”

As expected, it’s 1/2 cup oats cooked, 1 tbs honey, 1 tbs natural crunchy peanut butter, and half a banana. Only 360 calories and delicious!

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!